Government of JamaicaGovernment of Jamaica

We would like to ensure that your documents are processed expeditiously. Please take some time to review the list below, which highlights, some of the most frequent reasons for the rejection of caveat documents. Please check your documents thoroughly against this list before lodging same to minimise the risk of rejection.

  • Documents not dated.
  • Not submitting the Caveat instruments in duplicate.
  • The caveat instrument not being signed by the caveator or his agent.
  • The documents not being witnessed.
  • The address and occupation of the attesting witness not stated.
  • The correct volume and folio number not quoted.
  • Not establishing a proprietary interest in the land.
  • The value of the interest claimed not being stated.
  • The estate/interest claimed not being stated.
  • Not initialling all amendments.
  • Not reconciling the names of the parties involved when there are major disparity as appearing in supporting documents and on the Certificate of Title.


Land Registration and Conveyancing Workshop starts May 14, 2024

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For general information about our services, please contact us at:

  • +876.750.5263
  • +876.946.5263
  • +876.418.5089
  • 8 Ardenne Road Kingston 10